Digital and Soft Skills in Annual Teaching Plans

Digital and Soft Skills in Annual Teaching Plans

Each academic year, the “Skills for Jobs” project supports VET partner providers in the annual teaching planning under the mentorship of pedagogical experts. During the May-June 2022 period, an evaluation of the planning and implementation process for the 2021-2022 school year was conducted, along with an assessment of a sample of 160 annual teaching plans. The evaluation identified areas for improvement in this process highlighted best planning practices and the need for professional development of teachers in vocational education.

The full evaluation report can be accessed here:

After the assessment phase, during September 2022, the team of pedagogical experts presented the main findings to the partner providers and guided them in the design of improved teaching plans for the 2022-2023 academic year. During these meetings, we discussed the role and responsibilities of the school staff in this process and the formats of the annual teaching plans. A special focus was given to the inclusion of soft skills and the use of ICT in teaching. These are key elements for the success of the learning process in the era we are living in. In the approved annual plans, the partner schools have integrated soft skills and the use of ICT for at least 30% of teaching hours.

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