Dual VET: Initial Steps Towards VET Transformation Inspired by the Swiss Model
Albania’s journey towards a more practical and industry-oriented VET system has begun with the introduction of dual VET. Inspired by the successful Swiss model, this innovative approach aims to bridge the gap between theoretical learning and practical application, equipping apprentices with the skills needed to thrive in the fast-changing labor market.
Under dual VET, students spend three days a week working in companies, gaining valuable hands-on experience while earning remuneration. This year, the dual VET initiative is being implemented in ten VE schools across six regions of Albania, involving over 100 companies/employers and nearly 300 apprentices.
The Path to Implementation
A collaborative effort between the Ministry of Economy, Culture, and Innovation (MoECI), the National Agency for Employment and Skills (NAES), the National Agency for VET and Qualifications (NAVETQ), the Embassy of Switzerland in Albania, the Skills Development for Employment (SD4E) programme by UNDP Albania, and Skills for Jobs (S4J), has been instrumental in shaping the implementation of dual VET and its regulatory framework.
The first meeting between stakeholders took place on March 3, 2024, with the aim of establishing a shared understanding of dual VET in the Albanian context, promoting the initiative by the Albanian Government, and identifying key steps to be taken by the government toward agreed-upon goals. In addition to key stakeholders, Prof. Em. Dr. Dieter Euler from the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland participated, sharing his insights and expertise on the matter.

Participants agreed on a gradual approach to the implementation of dual VET, initially targeting specific qualifications in selected regions. Priority was given to improving the legal and regulatory framework, addressing technical challenges, focusing on effective communication strategies with companies, and conducting studies on priority economic sectors for the implementation of the dual VET initiative.

On April 15-16, a delegation from Albania, including the Deputy Minister of MoECI, representatives from the same ministry, the general directors of NAES and NAVETQ, and S4J representatives, undertook a study visit to Switzerland. The primary focus was on exploring Switzerland’s vocational education system and its dual model, aiming to identify elements applicable in the Albanian context.
During the visit organized by S4J, the Albanian delegation became acquainted with the successful practices of Switzerland’s dual system and engaged in discussions regarding its potential implementation in Albania. Initially, a workshop took place at the University of St. Gallen, focusing on the technical aspects of implementing the dual system in Albania. The workshop was moderated by Prof. Dr. Dieter Euler and Prof. Dr. Bernadette Diliger from the Institute for Business Education and Educational Management at the University of St. Gallen.

Furthermore, the delegation visited the GBS St. Gallen Vocational School, where they were greeted by the school principal, Mr. Daniel Kehl, and the staff who provided insights into their schools’ VET system. Students shared their apprenticeship experiences within various businesses. The visit also included meetings with two companies actively engaging apprentices and applying the dual system: Starrag Group, a leading producer of high-precision tools for the aviation, energy, micromechanical, and transport sectors globally, and Libs, a prominent training company overseeing the entire process of recruiting and capacitating apprentices for Swiss companies.