‘Mësovet’ platform: distance learning for VET students

‘Mësovet’ platform: distance learning for VET students

13 March 2020

To prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, schools in Albania will remain closed, at least until March 23rd. This new situation immediately created the need for distance learning. Particularly challenging is the situation of 13th grade students who must prepare for their Matura exams in June. Besides having to miss a significant amount of classroom-based lessons, they will not be able to attend planned consultations hours in preparation for the exams.

Considering this, ‘Skills for Jobs’ has increased its efforts for promoting ‘MësoVet’ platform. Following instructions issued by the national authorities concerning distance learning, 35 teachers asked the project for support using ‘MësoVet’ platform as a virtual learning environment. Relevant instructions for updating teaching contents on the platform have been provided to the managers and teachers of the partner institutions of the project.  343 new users were registered in just one day.

Skills for Jobs will support teachers in creating virtual classrooms to ensure business continuation. Already, a group of 17 teachers are engaged in drafting teaching materials and instructions for 22 subjects which are part of the Matura programs. Work has already started for the subjects in three educational directions (prioritized according to the number of students) and shall continue for all educational directions offered by the partner institutions of the project. All VET students and teachers in the country (82% of 13th grade students) can benefit from using the platform. 

Meanwhile, the challenge internet access persists. According to data available to the project, only 58.8% of students have internet access at home. To overcome this situation, the project is seeking solutions in cooperation with telecommunication companies in the country and the Ministry of Finance and Economy. 



MësoVET is a platform adapted in Albanian language by ‘Skills for Jobs’ in 2018. It is an all-inclusive solution and enables the documentation of the activities for both classroom-based and distance learning of the students and apprentices. This management system of the learning process is based on Moodle which is used for free by 185 million users in 233 countries around the world. To sign up, all you need is an email address.

The content of the platform is constantly updated by teachers and instructors of projects’ partner institutions. To this end, the project has supported with the capacity building of the teachers and instructors by providing them trainings and instructions. The materials on the platform are based on the national curricula and are enriched with practical materials by industry experts. The platform allows copyright free use as well as updating the materials. 


Apprentices are also contributing to the enrichment of MësoVET digital materials. They make videos during their apprenticeship in companies and then upload them on the platform. For this, students receive related training. The videos serve as teaching materials for the 10th grade students. 

The aim is to expand distance education and the use of electronic devices such as computers and mobile phones, to make learning as fun as possible and to keep students up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry.

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