Partner Schools discuss Tracer Results: What happens to their Graduates after School?

Partner Schools discuss Tracer Results: What happens to their Graduates after School?

S4J partner schools have set up a tracer system for their graduates. This system fulfills two important purposes: 1) monitoring key labor market indicators for school graduates, and 2) assessing the link between education and work. Tracer data and results help understanding the relevance of the VET offer and contribute to the development of skills required by the labor market.

The tracer process at provider level is coordinated by the Tracer Coordinator in the Development Unit with the support of other Development Unit members and teachers, supported by Skills for Jobs.

During November-December, tracer coordinators of S4J partner schools have presented to the school staff main tracer results of AY 2019-2020 graduates. This initiated a reflection process within the school based on these results.

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