Extending Partnerships: More VET Providers Supported By S4J In Phase II

Extending Partnerships: More VET Providers Supported By S4J In Phase II

In its second phase, ‘Skills for Jobs’ is extending its support to 10 VET institutions. From September 2019, vocational Technical Economic School in Tirana, vocational ‘Ali Myftiu’ and ‘Salih Çeka’ schools in Elbasan, partner with the project.

‘Skills for Jobs’ has supported new partner schools to define strategic priorities and draft joint Action Plans for January – June 2020 and July 2020 – June 2021. During September, these plans were signed between S4J and each partner institution.


Meanwhile, all three partner schools started implementing the apprenticeship scheme. They signed Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with new businesses or renewed cooperation with existing ones. With project support, Technical Economic School already signed MoUs with 12 tour operators and travel agencies. ‘Skills for Jobs’ assisted schools to support 10th grade students apply for their first apprenticeships.


The staff of new partner institutions participated in trainings ‘Skills for Jobs’ facilitated, such as: digital marketing, ‘Alfaweb’ financial management program, a training on theatre pedagogy, on drafting, assessing and monitoring teaching plans, webinars on distance learning and developing digital materials, etc.



We are very excited for our new partnerships and wish partner schools a successful year ahead!