Training of Trainers Program: Fostering Excellence in Leadership for Positive Changes in VET
The School of Directors of Pre-university Education Institutions (CSL) in partnership with Skills for Jobs organized the second and third part of the training for trainers for the Mandatory Preparatory Training Program for Vocational Education and Training.
During the first four days, under the guidance of Dr. Koby Gutterman, an international expert in educational leadership, the participants were introduced to fundamental concepts of effective leadership in educational institutions, with the aim of preparing leaders to bring positive changes to their schools. The main training topics included vision and strategic planning, data analysis, ways to improve teaching and learning, as well as resource management and professional development for teachers. Throughout the activity, there was a strong emphasis on the need to change mindset and invest more in people and relationships rather than technology.
In the last two days, under the guidance of Professor Robert Gjedia, they delved into the content of the six program modules, preparing the trainers for their future mission.
Finally, the participants were acquainted with additional materials that will assist in the implementation of the training program.